Welcome aboard, Snakeizz
Hope that hair is under control now -lol
The journey out is different, and yet the same in many ways for all of us -
okay you guys here is my story.....it might be a lil' long winded, but please bear with me....it's interesting.... well i have been away for 8 years...i stopped when i was 17 and i'm 25 now.
it all started when i became a non baptized publisher at age 14. i was a very good speaker/reader.
the elders were waiting for me to get baptized and encouraged me to do so.
Welcome aboard, Snakeizz
Hope that hair is under control now -lol
The journey out is different, and yet the same in many ways for all of us -
i see in the 1 january 2005 watchtower that it has a r surrounded by a circle indicating that watchtower is a registered trademark.. when did this happen?
Never noticed that - but no surprize.
the organized to accomplish our ministry (om book) will be replaced on sunday march 20, 2005 with a book titled organized to do jehovah's will.
this is confidential, so be sure to tell your relatives and friends that are still in!
will there be any updates to the org's procedures, or just a re-hash of old policies?
These guys are fresh out of ideas, just going through the motions, hoping for a miracle. They'll all die soon and a new generation will be left to sort out the mess
Willy - can't agree entirely - they did add 4(?) new GB members a few years back that are still probably under 60 or about. I can't recall their ages, but one, Steven Lett we had as CO. He must be 55 or 60 is all. I think the others are about the same age - but there are some of the 'old' ones still there - they can't last to long now.
Just My Opinion
Terribly sad news. Latest death toll is 25,000!
from the wts website:do they believe that they are the only ones who will be saved?.
millions that have lived in centuries past and who were not jehovah's witnesses will come back in a resurrection and have an opportunity for life.
many now living may yet take a stand for truth and righteousness before the "great tribulation," and they will gain salvation.
Watchtower, May 1st 200210. Are we personally alert, so that no unrighteousness is found on our lips? For example, can our family members really trust what we say? Can our spiritual brothers and sisters in the congregation do the same? It would be easy to develop the habit of couching one?s words in terms that are technically accurate but misleading.
The website at the start of this thread is obviously just that - Thanx EW for the above
Once I knew a CO who was asked at the door if we believed in the 'rapture'. He said we did. He called that kind of 'couching' of words, when I asked him how he could say we did, a difference in 'semantics' - One CO would go to doors of known dyed in the wool Baptists and introduce himself with "I have come to speak with you about the BLOOD of Jesus!" Of course he got inside -but never for long.
They have cloaking and couching of words to a fine art - just like DFing is an 'expresssion of love'
Just My Opinion
I think in a way that is a good term for it. We were all told that the organization was given a divine nod of approval by Christ in 1918 right? We were all told that the separating work was to be done by JW's right? We were all told that certain doctrines, practices, and dogmatic positions were unasailable, and that is what made Jw's differ from the churches right?
I think I feel raped at times when I think of the decades I gave to a thankless corporate empire in Brooklyn.
Just My Opinion
who do some people post things that they did not write and do not give credit to the original source?
so ... maybe you don't know who the original source is.
maybe you got it in an email that has forwarded and then forwarded a zillion times.
Forgive me if this is an ignorant view; but isn't plagerism (sp) only related to those wanting to profit in some way from the copywrited words of others? I agree that it is iriitating when it is obviously not original thoughts - but is it as serious as that on a forum? Don't get me wrong - I think credit should be given where deserved - but is this a 'mountains out or molehill' argument?
Just My opinion
in my opinion, there is definitely a new trend in the way the wts
deals with the medical use of blood fractions.
the most recent publication on this topic (e.g.
Again, the BIGGEST change here is the editing out of the chapter that dealt with bloodwhen they issued the "Worship" book , that took the place of the "United in Worship"
book. If you present that to most Witnesses, they are left speechless.
Metatron - this is most interesting to me. I never read the 'worship' book, although I was still in technically when it was released. Is it basically a replacement for the United in Worship? and the chapter dealing with blood was edited - hmmmmmm! How interesting!! Are both these on the cd-rom ?- I would like to make that comparison. Thanks
.....a marriage mate, a mate to come into the "truth", "new light", etc........?????
The number one thing was - love -
I just could not see the love of Christ being displayed in the congregation. I just kept waiting to see it. but it never showed up. All I ever saw was judging and really hatefullness. I was in 30 years thinking that we had the truth of the Bible - but it was the lack of love that took us out finally. And then didd they ever show what kind of 'love' they were made of - it was spelled 'meanness and hate' -
Now I have no idea where to look for that.
Just my opinion
recently and over the years some of the elders and ministerial servants who have been deleted and or forced to step down have died young.
what do you attribute this to?
do you know of such occurances in your cong.
When the 58 year old died no one called to tell us about the memorial talk for him which took place on x-mas day.This elder and my family knew each other for 30 years and when he died only one person who is a publisher in the cong.and a long time friend called us about it.
We had the same experience recently - isn't it odd how they can forget you so soon - and treat you as dead - whether Df'd or just faded?
Sorry -can't get rid of the quote boxes in my reply. Just my opinion